Sunday, October 5, 2008

big part of being successful is performance. We all know about preparation, doing your homework or groundwork, covering our bases and so on, but it all boils down to the bottom line. Sometimes there is only one winner.
I’ve been lucky enough to watch quite a bit of the U.S. Open this year. I love to watch these champions go at it. I was there to watch the match between Serena and Venus Williams, and when I left I was thinking about what fighters they are. Both of them are great athletes, and to see them battle it out left quite an impression. They were very equally matched--which made for an exciting time for their fans--but Serena was just a bit tougher. Her determination was incredible. It’s not a big surprise that she won the U.S. Open title last night.
Some things are team sports. Tennis isn’t. There is one winner, and it’s a bit like combat if you think about it. It’s also not a group effort. Those champions are out there and using everything they’ve got to avoid defeat and to win. They take sole responsibility for the outcome. It’s a great lesson just to watch them.
I have often said that being an entrepreneur is not a group effort. The first thing an aspiring entrepreneur must realize is that he or she will be going at it alone. You may have a lot of friends and family who will cheer you on, or maybe not, but when you go out there in the center court of the world, you will be going at it alone to make your mark. That excites some people, and it deflates others. Make sure you know what kind of person you are at your core level before you enter that arena. It will save you a lot of time and effort.
Fortunately, in the business world there is room for more than one winner. Venus and Serena are both winners in my book. Just don’t underestimate the stamina and determination you will need to succeed.

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