Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just yesterday I was reading about George Clooney, who apparently doesn’t want to say ‘yes’ to a return appearance on “ER”--the show that made him famous. “ER” was one of the most successful of television series, with a big fan base as well as critical acclaim. From there, Clooney went on to great success in films, and has shown himself to be a remarkable and diversified talent.
The gist of the article seemed to be that George Clooney isn’t grateful--to either the show that launched him or his former boss, or to his loyal fans. I can understand that any action--or non-action--can be misinterpreted or made positive or negative depending on the spin it is given by the media. We don’t know the whole story behind his decision, or whether he’s even made his decision.
My point is that we shouldn’t be so quick to judge. We don’t know the background of the situation, and we must realize that he’s a very busy man whose schedule might very well be unable to accommodate a guest appearance. That is likely as well as understandable.
I met George once and he seemed like a great guy. I also think he’s a fantastic actor. I say we should give the guy a chance before jumping to conclusions.

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